For Those in Service

  • Published
  • By LTC Douglas A. Decker
  • 174FW
     The headlines were "For Those in Service". The article reads... Here is a Prayer for All Military Personnel" distributed by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA. The prayer reads: O God kindly watch over those exposed to the dangers of military life. Give them such strong faith that nothing may ever lead them to deny it or fear to practice it. Fortify them by your grace against the contagion of bad example, so that, preserved from vice and serving you faithfully, they maybe ready meet whatever may come.
      Lord inspire them with sorrow for sin and grant them pardon.
Mother of God be with them in battle and should they be called upon to make the supreme sacrifice, obtain for them the grace to face the dangers of war.
Lord always bless their families... Amen. 

      This is a wonderful prayer at this time when we deploy our military members to the summer AEF.