Individual AEF information now visible on vMPF Published May 16, 2008 By AFPC News Service The Air Force Personnel Center RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- The Air Force Personnel Center here has taken another step to support Airmen and ensure all members know their air expeditionary force deployment status. Airmen can now access this information through vMPF. This capability provides real-time visibility for Airmen and is consistent with the initiative to cease production of the often misplaced or missing AEF identification card. "It has always been an AEF principle to let Airmen know their AEF assignments. This initiative facilitates that principle while at the same time eliminating some manual work being done in our squadrons," said Mr. Vince Fonner, Personnel Readiness Division chief. "For our Airmen, it means their deployment data is readily available. They can prepare themselves better for deployment, ensuring we get the right person in the right place at the right time." Upon login to vMPF, Airmen can view the initial page that shows a box containing their AEF deployment status. This includes their AEF indicator, rotation period and the date their commander assigned them to a specific AEF. This initiative is another step toward meeting the Air Force Chief of Staff's mandate to ensure all Airmen are assigned to an AEF and provided with maximum AEF predictability to prepare themselves and families for the possibility of an upcoming deployment. Airmen with questions about their AEF deployment status can contact their Unit Deployment Manager.