274th ASOS Gets New Commander Published Nov. 4, 2008 By Sra Kevin K. Dean 174th Fighter Wing HANCOCK FIELD AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, NY -- The 174th Fighter Wing Commander officiated the assumption of command ceremony for the 274th Air Support Operations Squadron here, on Hancock Field, on November 2, 2008. Colonel Kevin W. Bradley, by order of The Adjutant General of the State of New York, passed the reigns of command to Major Alberto J. Gaston. Maj. Gaston had been performing the duties of the position since July 2, 2008 and he said, "I appreciate the opportunity to lead the 274th Iron Knights." The 274th Air Support Operations Squadron deploys with Army combat units to provide command, control, and coordination of Close Air Support (CAS) aircraft. The unit's proud history includes having personnel at ground zero in New York City on September 11, 2001 and the unit has had personnel deployed in support of the Global War on Terrorism every year since 2003, completing nine conventional TAC Team deployments, eight special operations deployments and one unit deployment in support of Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. The 274th ASOS currently has a TAC Team in combat in Afghanistan.