PCS'ing to Technical School? Read-up on BAH Entitlements Published Feb. 4, 2009 By MSgt Tony Olivas 174FW, Financial Services Lead Hancock Field Air National Guard Base, Syracuse, NY -- Great information for personnel headed off to technical school in a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) status, whether in support of conversion or routine.... Members With Dependents: Members in the grades of E-6 without dependents going to Technical School (PCS) are entitled to Partial BAH if provided quarters based on the member's grade. Members in the grade of E-7 or above may elect at any time not to occupy Government Quarters at the permanent duty station (PCS) and are authorized full BAH unless the Secretary concerned or designee has determined that the member's exercise of this option would adversely affect a training mission, military discipline or readiness (ref JFTR U10400 C) Members Without Dependents, Living Off-base: Members without dependents living off-base at Technical School (PCS) opting to move HHG are allowed Full BAH based on the duty location of the Technical School. Members without dependents living off base at Technical School (PCS) opting not to move HHG are entitled Full BAH based on the member's Primary Residence. Members without dependents allowed to live off base must submit an AF 594 signed by the Base Housing office to start BAH entitlements. Members With Dependents: Members with dependents going to Technical School (PCS) opting to move house hold goods (HHG) are allowed Full BAH based on the duty location of the Technical School unless a BAH housing waiver is approved by HQ routed through Training. The disapproval of a BAH Housing Waiver or the option of not submitting a BAH waiver will entitle the member to full BAH based on the Training Location (permanent duty station) regardless of where the dependents are living. The approval of the waiver will entitle the member to full BAH based on home of record. Members with dependents going to Technical School (PCS) without moving House Hold Goods (HHG) will be entitled to the BAH based on the members Primary Residence. Members Without Dependents Paying Child Support: Members without dependents paying child support living in quarters are entitled to Partial BAH plus BAH Differential based on the members grade. Members not assigned to Government Quarters opting not to move HHG are entitled to full BAH based on the Training Location. Members not assigned to Government quarters not opting to move HHG are entitled full BAH based on the members Primary Residence on the orders. BAH rates, including Partial BAH and BAH Differential rates can be found at http://perdiem.hqda.pentagon.mil/perdiem/rateinfo.html Feel free to contact MSgt. Tony Olivas at x2414 for any specific questions, once you have your orders for technical school.