Alumni Association September News

  • Published
  • By MSgt Rita Scheirer
  • Alumni Association President
Thursday, 17 September was the date of our most recent meeting. We discussed several items of importance to the Hancock Field Alumni Association. Specifically, two items stand out; the annual Association election next month on October 15th (at the regular monthly meeting) and membership. While we are so fortunate to have nearly 700 members and spouse/widow members, we have seen a steady decline in participation. The July picnic event underscored the value and appreciation of having an Alumni Association. But fewer and fewer members come to the meetings or actively assist on Committees and at the special events.

It seems that sometimes that the whole world just has us all tired out. And while anyone reading this might say to themselves; "Yes, I used to do more.", it doesn't make sense for the same people to have to step up month after month, year after year. With those conditions, and organization would get old and stagnant. Every organization must maintain a vibrancy of existence by gaining new members and sharing the responsibilities of membership. Many of you reading this have been amazing in contributions of time and resources. Most of you invest time in thoughts and prayers for Association and her members. But we've reached a point of diminishing returns. We've met the point at which we no longer can do any more with any less. We need you.

If you're geographically separated from us, or mobility impaired in some way, keep the thoughts and prayers coming! If you're in the upstate NY area, we need more of a physical presence. There are numerous opportunities for the open membership to assist in keeping the Association alive. Here are some volunteer positions and programs; 

- Attendance at monthly meetings (next meeting is Thursday, October 15th) 
- Volunteer to Chair or assist any of the following Association Committees: 

Membership Committee 

Sunshine Committee 

Memorial Committee 

Publicity Committee 

Entertainment Committee
House/Historian Committee 

Association Officer: President/Vice President/Treasurer/Secretary 

Association Executive Board Member 

- Assist in the creation/update of a membership database so we can have a complete mailing label set for postal notifications to all members
- Assist in the planning/execution of our November 19th Thanksgiving event
- Keep your membership current
- Contact us when you have an address change
- Give us an e-mail address so we can communicate more often
- Postal Mailing (not for profit) status project
- Recruit one person to join or renew their Association membership
- Donate cards and /or postage for Membership and Sunshine Committee use
- Keep those thoughts and prayers coming!

Here's one last note for this letter, regarding the October 2nd Catered Heritage Celebration Event. We're looking for uniforms. The hosts of the event (the Hancock Field Enlisted Council) would like to have all ages and styles of military uniforms on display. Do you have one we could use to have a young troop wear, or just to display? If you have something you'd like to share for this event, please call me at (315) 233-2606 or Chief Paul Samora at (315) 233-2114. We'd like to hear from you!
Again, our next meeting is Thursday, October16th at 7pm in the All Services Club Heritage Room. 
Please consider the Association's future and your participation in it, won't you?