New Commander Assumes Control Published April 11, 2010 By Lt Greta D Lewis 174th Fighter Wing Hancock Field Air National Guard Base, Syracuse, NY -- The 174th Fighter Wing commander officiated at the 152nd Air Operations Group's change of command ceremony on April 10, 2010 during the unit training assembly. Colonel Kevin W. Bradley, Commander of the 174th Fighter Wing, officiated as Colonel Kevin J. Brown passed the reigns as commander of the 152nd Air Operations Group to Colonel (Sel) Mark D. Murphy. During his praise of Brown's accomplishments and Murphy's abilities he said, "As Kevin was, Mark is - the right commander, right here, right now to lead this group." Outgoing commander, Col Kevin J. Brown served in the position for five years, and has been a member of the organization for the last 10. He has had no bad experiences here. He praised the people he worked with, saying that his job was made easier because of all the support he received from 152nd personnel. Because of the hard work and dedication of his people, the unit has seen continuous improvements. Brown also said he is confident that the members of the 152nd will continue to meet the challenges ahead. It is a bittersweet moment for him as he hands over the reigns, but he said, "It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as your commander for the past five years. You have worked very hard and diligently and you have been very supportive. I give you my heartfelt thanks." Murphy joined with the 152nd in 1999 and served in various positions over the past 11 years, with the most recent being Director of the Air and Space Operations Center. He said, "I am very honored and humbled to be selected as your new commander. I am very excited and look forward to leading you in the coming years. I don't take this lightly, and I will give you the best that I have to give." Murphy says that he expects changes on the horizon. These can and will be challenging because, although manningĀ is likely to stay the same, the unit's mission sets may change. He plans to tackle this challenge by continuing the strong relationship with the 603rd Air and Space Operations Center and staying relevant by aligning their goals with the 603rd's. The 152nd Air Operations Group was initially established in 1947 as the 152nd Air Control Group. The unit was first stationed at the White Plains Armory and eventually moved to the Roslyn Air National Guard Station on Long Island. In 1984, the 152nd moved to Syracuse. The unit's original mission was as a Group Headquarters for tactical radar units in the northeastern U.S. The 152nd Air Control Group was called to active duty during the Korean War and the Berlin Crisis. In 2000, the unit's federal mission was changed to augment the 603rd Air Operations Center at Ramstein Air Force Base, Germany for the United States Air Forces Europe (USAFE). The Air Operations Center provides for planning, direction and control of assigned air forces. They also direct activities of forces made available and monitor actions of both enemy and friendly forces. 152nd AOG is recognized as the lead Air Reserve Component AOC augmentation unit. The 152nd Air Operations Group has both a federal and a state mission.