Military Spouse Appreciation Day - May 6, 2011 Published April 27, 2011 By Terri Scanlin Hancock Field Airman & Family Readiness Program Manager Hancock Field Air National Guard Base, Syracuse, NY -- May 6, 2011 is Military Spouse Appreciation Day. It is a day that is set aside each year to recognize and honor the contributions and sacrifices of military spouses. In 1984, then President Ronald Reagan proclaimed the Friday before Mother's Day to be designated as Military Spouse Appreciation Day. Since then, each President and senior military leaders have echoed the sentiments expressed by President Reagan. It is a day to recognize the importance of our unsung heroes. Military spouses, past and present, are an extraordinary group of individuals. While their husbands or wives took an oath and signed on a dotted line when they joined the military, spouses were enlisted through the back door with the vows they took on their wedding day. In choosing their mates, they inadvertently chose their way of life. I personally want to thank all our military spouses and hope you will join me in doing so. Please thank them for their sacrifices and for their service as a military spouse. I have included some great websites that your spouse might be interested in. Have a fantastic day! (must be logged into Military One Source for access) (May 6th 1 to 4 pm, online)