"Unsung Hero" award given to Director of Staff at the 174th Fighter Wing Published Feb. 5, 2012 By Capt. Anthony L. Bucci 174FW/PAO Hancock Field Air National Guard Base, Syracuse, NY -- On January 16, Lt. Col. MaryJo Timpano was recognized by Syracuse University as an "Unsung Hero", in the community adult category for her tireless efforts in helping those who are in need at Hancock Field and throughout the Syracuse community. Lt. Col. Timpano serves as the Director of Staff and Wing Executive Officer for the 174th Fighter Wing and was recently recognized for her outstanding community involvement. Lt. Col. Timpano is a member of the Vera House Board of Directors and teaches the skills necessary to end sexual and domestic violence. Lt. Col. Timpano serves as the SARC, sexual assault response coordinator, for the men and women of Hancock Field Air National Guard Base; this includes training members of the unit on the prevention of sexual assault. Additionally, she is the point of contact for all Hancock Field members who are victims of sexual assault and domestic abuse, supervises victim advocates and directly responds and advocates for victims. In December 2011 Lt. Col. Timpano led the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Hancock Field Joint Deployment Health and Wellness Center for which she serves as the director. This J-HAWC, a first in the Air National Guard, provides resources to address the physical, psychological, spiritual and family health of service members and their families. Through her patience and determination Lt. Col. Timpano has identified community resources for military members and partnered with these organizations in order to provide important services to Hancock Field. In her spare time Lt. Col. Timpano volunteers at the Rome Rescue Mission's Welcome Hall, participates in the Community Reading Program in Utica and New Hartford as well as being an active volunteer for the Red Cross and Salvation Army. "I am extremely honored and humbled by this award and to have this acknowledgement from my community is truly inspiring and makes me that much more focused to continue this extremely important work," said Lt. Col. MaryJo Timpano. Lt. Col. Timpano earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Developmental Psychology through the State University of New York at Brockport. She is currently a Master's candidate is Psychology with a health and wellness specialization.