152nd Combat Operations Squadron Gets A New Commander Published June 6, 2023 By Staff Sgt. Duane Morgan 152nd Operations Group Hancock Air National Guard Base, NY -- New York Air National Guard Lt. Col. Nicholas D. Welly took command of the 152nd Combat Operations Squadron (COS), part of the 152nd Air Operations Group, in a ceremony on Hancock Field Air National Guard Base, Saturday, June 3. Welly replaced Col. Doreen Chemotti who had commanded the squadron since June. 5, 2022. Col. Kevin B. St John, Commander of the 152nd Air Operations Group, was the presiding official for the ceremony. The formal change of command ceremony is a ceremony rooted in history, dating back to the Roman legions. Military organizations developed flags or colors unique to their unit. Soldiers followed their colors into battle, and always knew to whom to look for leadership. The public exchange of colors acknowledged the formal change of command. Welly said he was excited to follow in the footsteps of the leaders before him. “I want to thank you for the opportunities that you gave me, all the mentoring, and the examples that you’ve set,” said Welly. “I recognize while being in this position that I’m standing on the shoulders of giants, and I’m grateful.” Welly previously served as the 152 COS Chief of Strategy, Director of Operations, and Chief of Space & Missile Operations, and the Deputy Chief, Special Technical Operations at the 603d Air Operations Center at Ramstein Air Base, Germany. In 2022, he deployed to Air Forces Central Command as the Chief of Strategy Plans and led a theater-wide overhaul of the combined forces air campaign as part of Operations INHERENT RESOLVE, SPARTAN SHIELD, and YUKON JOURNEY His previous assignments include satellite operator, weapons and tactics officer, and instructor. He also spent more than four years as a certified mission director for the National Reconnaissance Operations Center. Welly has held key positions in many milestone exercises and operations in support of USEUCOM, USAFRICOM, USPACOM and USCENTCOM. In his civilian capacity, he is an attorney in the CIA’s Office of General Counsel advising clients on issues of national security across global space, cyber, and intelligence operations.