174th Engages with Foreign Enlisted Leaders

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman Tiffany Scofield
  • 174th Attack Wing

SYRACUSE, NY – Airmen from the 174th Attack Wing attended the Senior Enlisted Leader International Summit (SELIS) in Washington D.C., Aug. 1-4. Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force Joanne S. Bass hosted SELIS to bring senior enlisted members from over 60 countries together to share information, define threats, and reinforce partnerships.

Chief Master Sgt. Bass said that current events have demonstrated that a deliberate investment in our enlisted force is essential to winning the high-end fight.

“There was much discussion about integrated deterrence, the future of our forces, and reaffirming our enduring commitment that any potential aggressors won’t just need to calculate whether they will win or lose a military engagement,” said Chief Master Sgt. Bass via Instagram. “They will have to calculate the capabilities of all allies and partners from across the globe.”

This was the first year that units were invited to set up demonstrations. Four airmen from the 174th volunteered to make the trip down to D.C. to represent the wing. They set up a table with demonstrations and during breaks, they spoke to the senior enlisted leaders from all over the world about the mission and the MQ-9 Reapers.

Weapons Instructor Tech. Sgt. Thomas Anderson is one of the four airmen from the 174th who volunteered to represent the wing at the summit.

“It was an awesome opportunity to be able to meet so many foreign leaders,” said Anderson. “I was shocked to see how many nations are now budgeting and getting approval for Remotely Piloted Aircrafts (RPAS).”

Anderson said "many leaders showed a lot of interest in the MQ-9’s we have in Syracuse and asked a lot of questions."

After taking a group photo for Chief Master Sgt. Bass, she asked Anderson to take a selfie with her. “That was a cool experience,” said Anderson.

The airmen traveled almost 300 miles to meet with enlisted leaders from all over the world and share our mission with them. The SELIS summit brought together allies and partners and strengthened relationships for the future.