Where there is a Will there is a.. Fowler? Published Oct. 18, 2020 By Staff Sgt. Duane Morgan 174th Attack Wing Hancock Field Air national Guard Base, New York -- The New York Air National Guard is a BIG family, and many members follow in the footsteps of their parents and or siblings by joining. For Staff Sgt. Megan Fowler this happens to be the case. Her father, Chief Master Sgt. Mike Will is the current Command Chief of the 174th Attack Wing, and her brother, Capt. Devin Will is the current Commander of the 174th Security Forces Squadron. One thing that they all have in common is they previously worked for the 222nd Command and Control Squadron. Chief Will was the Squadron Superintendent, Capt. Will was a Watch Operator, and Fowler was a Mission Crew Chief. Fowler enlisted in November of 2014 and was read her oath of enlistment by Capt. Will (then a Lieutenant), with Chief Will in attendance, and they both couldn’t have been more proud. “It was a happy moment for me,” said Capt. Will. “It was really cool, especially with my dad being there, and me being able to swear her in.” Fowler recently re-enlisted September of this year, and just like her initial enlistment, Capt. Will was there to read her oath of enlistment with Chief Will in attendance once again. “I think having him swear her in was one of the best things about her re-enlistment,” said Chief Will. The re-enlistment was bitter-sweet. Due to COVID-19 her husband and son couldn’t attend. When asked what the highlight of having her father and brother at the same unit was, Fowler said that it was the access. “I can call them and ask to meet up for lunch. Or if I need to go to the gym, I can get with my brother and go for a run.” Said Fowler.